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Juicing for Pregnancy Nausea

Diets by Joel Robbins DC, MD

Morning Sickness: Morning sickness results when the body, realizing that it is pregnant, undergoes some extra-ordinary house-cleaning in an effort to make as healthy a situation for the growing fetus as possible. While the mother is sleeping, her body is actively removing poisons and delivering them to the liver and kidneys for elimination. If these avenues of exit are already overloaded, nausea results as the liver is forced to dump toxin directly into the intestine prior to neutralizing them.

The best thing to do for morning sickness is to drink only juice— as little or as much as you want— and don’t eat solids for about three days. This gives the liver a break from digesting food and thus it can focus more fully on catching up on toxic elimination. Follow this practice whenever morning sickness occurs.

The concern that most women have when hearing that they must only drink fresh juice for two to three days for morning sickness, is that the baby will be deprived of nutrition. What must be kept in mind is that the embryo is extremely small at this time, and does not require much nutrition. In fact, it requires little if any outside nutrition. The placenta is loaded with all kinds of nutrients especially to feed the new embryo during the first few weeks of life. if there is a need for outside nutrition at this time, the morning sickness will subside and a normal appetite will return. Some experience extreme morning sickness, to the point that the only thing that will quell the severe nausea is toast, bread, crackers, etc. These are acceptable at this time, eating minimal amounts to keep the nausea at bay. Some additional things to consider with morning sickness is to take the following: Chromium, sometimes known as GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor), Vitamin B6. Both of these can be found in health food stores. Take double the recommended dose listed on the labels.

There are also those new mothers who find that with or sometimes without morning sickness, their tastes and cravings change to the point that some or all raw fruits and vegetables are repulsive. I recommend that they listen to their body and avoid these foods, eating steamed vegetables, whole grains, white meat, attempting now and then to consume some fresh and raw. Usually at the end of the first trimester, the appetite for fresh and raw fruits and vegetables returns, and these should then be added back into the diet. Again, there is no need for concern that the mother and baby are being deprived of nutrition for not eating the fresh and raw during this time. The whole grains, steamed vegetables, etc., do contain viable nutrition. pages 20-21

Another book by Dr. Robbins called Health Through Nutrition talks about juicing. Commercially produced juices are pasteurized which means dead no living enzymes and full of sugar, food coloring's, preservatives. Useless! Health food store brands are better. Sip juice slowly is allows for better digestion. Drink juice alone not with solid food. It is like a meal itself. Do not combine fruits and vegetables as these require different digestive processes, fruits need to be separated from vegetables thus. All fruits may be mixed together. All vegetables may be mixed together. All melons may be mixed together. Except Lettuce and celery can be combined with either fruit or vegetable juice and apples will mix with vegetable juices. When making vegetable juice make it predominately 80% either carrot juice or tomato juice and mix with celery, cucumbers, green peppers, etc. While vegetable generally do not contain as high amounts of glucose as fruits, carrot juice and tomato juice are both relatively sweet, and will carry the taste of other nutritious vegetable if mixed in. Be sure to put celery and/or lettuce in every glass fruit or vegetable. This increase the calcium and B-vitamins input that is so important during pregnancy and nursing. Pg 49-51

We recommend for nausea 80% carrot, 2-3 stocks of celery and a wedge of beat the size of an orange segment. The carrot gives the base and live enzymes, the celery has the calcium and B vitamins, and the beat is good for liver support and detox so important in helping with morning sickness.

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